January 18

“Everything for a Dog”, by Ann M. Martin

First, Bone’s mother went outside looking for food and never returned. Following this event, Bone decided to leave his home since it isn’t a safe place to live in anymore. Meanwhile, Charlie’s brother died while trying to get Charlie’s kite back for him. In the end, Charlie and his family needs to attend his brother’s year-end ceremony to receive his brother’s certification for school.



September 30


I have long hair but I want to be bald.

I have black hair but I want to have a rainbow hair.

I have many friends but I want to be alone like a loner.

I am a teenager but I want to be a newborn baby.

I am 13 but I want to be a 1 year-old.

I am quiet but I want to be as loud as an ambulance.

I don’t open up to others often but I want to make new friends.

I hate being lonely but I love being alone like someone who anti-social.

I am an night owl but I want to be a morning rooster.

September 16

Prediction for “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”

Through all the activities we have finished in class, I predict the story we’re going to read is about daydreaming and filling a void. The character Walter Mitty is very desperate and desired of something he doesn’t own for himself. From what we did in class with the song ‘Daydreaming’where the lyrics is ‘Daydreaming, daydreaming all the time.’ I guessed that Walter Mitty daydreams a lot and usually is in his own world of imagination. Also, because the topic we mostly focused in class is ‘Filling a void’. I assumed that there could be a hole in the character’s life that or heart that needs to be fixed, which could be the character from ‘Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ not achieving what they wanted to. Next, based on the Snoopy story we read, Snoopy wrote about a guy who is not assiduous but wants the best out of everything. According to that, I may predict Walter Mitty isn’t persistent to complete his goal, instead the character complains. Still, even though Snoopy’s a dog he could write in a ‘Yes but no’ way, you could also think that Walter Mitty is smart in a way. Another prediction is if Walter Mitty daydream it would help him get through his day and face challenges ahead.  An evidence to support my prediction is because Haley said daydreaming help them through a lot of hardships in life. The evidence above represents my prediction about the story and the character.